
(Selected) Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations from 2015 and onwards



  • Population Association of America 2022 Annual Meeting (April 6–9, 2022), Atlanta, US. “The Differential Impact of Contingent Employment on Fertility: Evidence from Australia.” (with Trinh, TA, M. Wooden).


  • Annual Meeting American Sociological Association, (August 11-13, 2019), New York, US. “Like Parent Like Child? Labor Force Trajectory Resemblance Among Families in the United States and Australia.” (with Curry, M., Liao, T., & Wooden, M.)

  • Annual Meeting American Sociological Association (ASA), (August 11-13, 2019), New York, US. “The Effect of Parental Joblessness on Wages in Australia.” (with Curry, M. & Wooden, M.)

  • Stata Conference, (19 August 2019), Sydney, Australia “The Cumulative Disadvantage of Unemployment: Longitudinal Evidence Across Gender and Age in Germany.” (with Manzoni, A.)



  • Population Association of America (PAA) 2018 Annual Meeting (April 26–28, 2018), Denver, US. “Parental joblessness and the school–to–work transition in Australia and the United States.” (with Curry, M. & Wooden, M.)

  • The XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology (July 15–21, 2018) Toronto, Canada. “Parental joblessness and the school–to–work transition in Australia and the United States.” (with Curry, M. & Wooden, M.)



  • Research Committee 28, Columbia University, New York. “The impact of education institutions and household income on initial job attainment during a recession.” (with Porter, E., Kalb, G., & Ryan, C.)


  • Longitudinal Data Conference, Canberra. “Does Family Joblessness breeds Joblessness?” (with Wooden, M.)

  • European Consortium for Sociological Research (ESRC), Oxford. “Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction: A Cross National and Historical Analysis,” (with Ganzeboom, H.)

  • Research Committee 28, Bern: “The Impact of Recessions on Initial Job Attainment: The Role of Institutions, Family Income and Education Level.” (with Porter, E, and Kalb, G.).

  • International Conference on Sequence Analysis II, Lausanne: “Binary Sequence Dynamics applied to Career Success,” (with Manzoni, A.).

  • European Society for Population Economics (ESPE), Berlin: “Casual Employment and Long-Term Wage Outcomes,” (with Wooden, M).

  • RC-28 Conference, Singapore: “Casual Employment and Long-Term Wage Outcomes,” (with Wooden, M.)

  • Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), Washington DC: “Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction: A Cross-National and Historical Analysis” (with Ganzeboom, H.)


  • Annual Conference of the Australian Political Studies Association, Canberra: “The Effect of Socio-Political Attitudes on the Voter-Party Interaction under the Proportional Electoral System: A Case Study of New Zealand.” (with Araz Aminnaseri), September, 2015.

  • Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago: “State Dependence in Unemployment: signaling or changing work ethics?”, August 21st 2015.

  • Summer conference RC-28, Philadelphia: “The Rise of Mothers: Intergenerational Occupational Status Reproduction within a Cross National and Historical Perspective” (with H. Ganzeboom), August 19th 2015.

  • Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), San Diego: “Parental Unemployment: How Much and when Does It Matter for Children’s Educational Attainment?” (with B. Bakker), May 2nd 2015.

  • Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (PAA), San Diego: “Unemployment, Uncertainty and Wage Inequality: Evidence from the Netherlands, 1986-2008.” (with T.F. Liao), April 30th 2015.

  • 156th Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, Luxembourg: “The economic bias of the turnout and a theory of economic inequality under different electoral rules: the case of New Zealand.” (with Araz Aminnaseri), July 13-15, 2015.

  • Annual Meeting of the European Sociological Association, Prague: “The Effect of Socio-Political Attitudes on the Voter-Party Interaction under the Proportional Electoral System: A Case Study of New Zealand.” (with Araz Aminnaseri), August 27th, 2015.